Thursday, January 26, 2012

Doctors are deaf to the overweight....

So yesterday I went and had my yearly physcial. I thought that it would be a good idea before I headed back into the gym. The goal of working out is to loose weight and to keep my heart from exploding. It would be counter productive if my heart exploded while trying to loose weight.

Everything is fine with me. I am healthy and strong except for the excess weight I am carrying and a few minor ailments. But I am in my forties I think that can be expected.

The best news that I had though was the fact that I am continually loosing weight. A total of twenty pounds since September.

I lost a grand amount in September (13 lbs) in one week. Went back to Weight Watchers dutifilly cataloging everything that I ate and had no weight loss the next week. I went on a couple of weeks of screw this. And kind of had a pitty party for myself. So I am sure I gained some back. 

Once the pitty party was over I got back on the horse so to speak and have been going strong. I have dutifilly changed my diet. I no longer have the cravings for the things that I do not eat anymore.

Now here is were my doctor stopped listening to me yesterday. I have lost twenty pounds being inactive and changing my diet. My soul purpose for going to the doctor was to make sure that my body was medically sound to go back to working out. 

I told the doctor that I have lost twenty pounds in the past four months doing this, this, and this. Most doctors would go "keep up the good work you are doing what your body needs right now to loose weight". Instead this doctor looks at me and says "Before you leave let me give you a hand out for a diet that will work for you." Um okay. I am always open to new suggestions. Took the photocopied pages and left.

Last night while I was going through my things for the day I pulled out those pages and started reading them. Yeah she gave me a hand out for the Atkins diet. Sigh. Really. After I told you that I have stopped eating fast food, anything with white flour, and soda. That my morning breakfast consists of a greek yogurt and turkey slices. That during the day I make decisions to help with weight loss and if I cannot make up my mind I will duplicate the same meal for lunch or dinner. 

She evidently felt that my diet was in question. 

Yep because what I could currently be doing could not be what my body needs to loose weight? Which evidently it is because wait, it is actually loosing weight.

So in all honesty I will keep on doing what I have been doing and getting success.

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